Sunday, August 23, 2020
Slides Free Essays
Since they contain N works, the colors were screened in vitro for antibacterial action; of more than 0,000 tried colors none indicated any anti-microbial action However, In vivo examinations with mice, that had been tainted with a bacterial culture, demonstrated that few colors neutralized gram-positive bacterial Intections. HDR. F. We will compose a custom exposition test on Slides or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now 2013 Prontosll Gerhard Domagk (Nobel Prize, 1939) was an exploration researcher at l. c. Farbenlndustrle,a German producer of colors and different synthetic concoctions. He did contemplates that demonstrated Prontosil to be a powerful antibacterial operator. When Domagkââ¬â¢s little girl built up a streptococcal Infection (having cut her finger), and was at risk for having an arm cut away (or more awful), she was the primary patient to get rontosil and be relieved by it (1935). Prontosil got more extensive agreeable when it was utilized to spare the light ot Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. , child of the US president. HDR-F-2013 contaminated with a bacterial culture. A few colors were found to balance gram-positive bacterial diseases. NH2 o s Prontosil Later it was found that, in living life forms, Prontosil is changed over to sulfanilamide, and that sulfanilamide was the genuine dynamic compound. Sulfanilamide represses the union of folic corrosive, which is a fundamental substance compound for bacterial development. Penicillin bacterial contaminations in 1941. By 1943, penicillin was being created for the military and was first utilized for war losses in Sicily and Tunsia. CH3 Penicillins act by altering a protein engaged with the amalgamation ofa a bacteriumââ¬â¢s cell divider. the union of bacteriumââ¬â¢s cell divider. Effectively developing microbes bite the dust since they areare Actively developing microscopic organisms kick the bucket since they incapable to deliver an a useful cell divider. unfit to deliver practical cell divider. Penicillins have no impact on mammalian cells since they are not encased by cell dividers. The main penicillin was confined in 1938 and The principal penicillin was separated 1938 and ound to fix bacterial contaminations in mice. was found to fix bacterial diseases mice. It was utilized effectively in nine cases ofof human utilized effectively in nine cases human Hormones are synthetic ambassadors â⬠natural mixes integrated in organs and conveyed by the circulatory system to target tissues so as to animate or repress some biochemical procedure. Numerous hormones are steroids. Keep in mind: All steroids contain a tetracyclic ring framework. The most rich individual from the steroid family in anlmals (ana numans) Is cnolestero of every other steroid. Steroids c t Is tne forerunner Steroids are natural exacerbates that contain four cycloalkane rings, three cyclohexane rings and one cyclopentane ring; they are Joined (melded) with a particular goal in mind. The steroid center has 20 C molecules, 17 structure the four rings, in addition to three methyl gatherings. sack to HORMONES Sex The sex hormones are isolated into three gatherings: (1) the male sex hormones, or androgens; (2) the female sex hormones, or estrogens; (3) the pregnancy hormones, or progestins. All sex hormones are steroids. ster010s perTorm numerous Tunctlons n Function Regulation of optional sexual qualities Reproduction and control of the regenerative cycle Regulation of digestion Examples Estradiol (an estrogen); testosterone (an androgen) Progesterone and the gestagens Digestion of fat Cell film part Cholic corrosive; bile salts Cholesterol Cortisol; cortisone subsidiaries This is the fundamental carbon skeleton for all steroids. 10. 7 Testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, is liable for male optional sex attributes. Engineered testosterone analogs (anabolic steroids) are utilized in medication to advance muscle and tissue development, e. g. , patients with solid decay. Anabolic steroids are utilized wrongfully, most regularly by ââ¬Å"body buildersâ⬠and competitors. The wellbeing dangers are various, including liver malignancy, coronary neart Olsease, ana s er Estradiol is the vital female sex hormone. It is liable for the improvement of the female auxiliary sex qualities and takes part in the control of the menstrual cycle. Progesterone is a case of a progestin: it readies the uterus for the implantation of a prepared egg. Manufactured analogs of progesterone and estradiol are the dynamic operators in the contraception pill, taking into consideration control of the menstrual cycle and ovulation. An expected 50 to 60 million ladies overall use ââ¬Å"the pillâ⬠as the essential type of ontraception. Medication Use RU-486, The Abortion Pill RI-J-486 goes about as a rival â⬠a medication that fits into a receptor site, yet doesn't have the standard impact as does another medication; for this situation the other medication is progesterone. Cortisone, utilized broadly in the treatment of rheumatoid aggravations, is one of the adrenocortical hormones delivered in the external piece of the adrenal organ. These hormones take an interest in directing the electrolyte and water balance in the body, just as in protein and sugar digestion. Morals of Methotrexate is a professionally prescribed medication utilized in the reatment of bosom malignancy. It very well may be utilized to obstruct the activity of folic corrosive, which is required for ordinary cell Olvlslon ana growtn 0T an emoryo. LIKe RI-J-486, it very well may be utilized to actuate fetus removal in the long stretches of pregnancy. When a medication is endorsed by the FDA, a doctor can recommend it for purposes not initially planned by the medication maker. Meds Prescription, Generic, and the pioneer medicate, however can't Prescription, is artificially comparable to Over-the-counter be A conventional medication Generic, and Over-the-counter showcased until the patent security on the pioneer tranquilize has run out after 20 ears. A nonexclusive medication is artificially identical to the pioneer tranquilize, yet can't be A conventional medication is synthetically proportionate to the pioneer sedate, yet can't be promoted until the patent insurance on the pioneer medicate has run The lower valued medication security on the pioneer its conventional name,out after 20 advertised until the patent regularly showcased under medication has run out in this20 after case alprazolam rather than Xanax. The lower evaluated tranquilize regularly advertised under its conventional name, in this The lower estimated druginstead of Xanax. case alprazolam generally promoted under its nonexclusive name, in this Solution, Generic, and Over-the-counter A conventional medication is artificially equal to the pioneer tranquilize, yet can't be promoted until the patent security on the pioneer sedate has run out following 20 years. 10. 10 The lower valued medication regularly promoted under its conventional name, for this situation alprazolam rather than Xanax. 10. 1 Heroal Remeales 10. 11 Ephedra â⬠utilized securely for a huge number of years as home grown cure known as Ma Huang. In 2003, a few passings identified with the fixings drove the FDA (in 2004) to boycott ephedra items. Right now, there are continuous conversations to make the item accessible once more. The herb contains the amphetamine-like alkaloids â⬠ephedrine and the less dynamic pseudoephedrine. Pseudoephedrene is utilized as a decongestant Ephedrine is a bronchodilator (opens the aviation routes), and an energizer Drugs of Abuse Ephreda was answerable for the passings of more than 80 individuals. An ephreda producer tested the FDA boycott in court, asserting that the FDA had neglected to demonstrate that ephreda was undependable at low dosages. In 2006, the US Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit maintained the FDAââ¬â¢s prohibition on ephreda. Heroin Morphin diacetylmorphin, alkaloid in opium ââ¬Å"chemically modifiedâ⬠high the ââ¬Å"abusedâ⬠normal medication Tetrahydrocannabinol â⬠Marijuana A9-tetrahydrocannabinol is the central psychoactive segment of the cannabis plant (maryjane), the most usually mishandled unlawful medication in the US; impacts incorporate happiness and nervousness. Clinical utilizations are being examined; legitimate in certain states; the Federal Government is contradicted. One approach to see drugs is to group them by their clinical helpfulness and their capability of misuse. Medications of misuse can likewise be grouped by their inclination to prompt physical reliance (fixation) versus the physical damage they dispense on the client. Numerous addictive medications are additionally profoundly impeding to uman wellbeing. OxyconBn OxyContin contains Oxycodone has been utilized securely for a long time. Be that as it may, this definition incorporates a period discharged system for durable treatment of ceaseless torment. Medication abusers immediately decided how to get around the time-discharge and had the option to quickly ingest a lot of oxycodone. The impacts were supposed to be like heroin. Over-endorsed in the Appalachian regions in late 1990s and mid 2000s. Many got dependent. An Amino Acid serotonin Tryptophan is changed over to serotonin, an energizer, which is changed over to melotonin, initiating tiredness The most effective method to refer to Slides, Papers
Friday, August 21, 2020
International Journals of Computer Science - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Examine about the International Journals of Computer Science. Answer: Presentation To keep up any business, there will be information and thus there will be a need to arrange information in a legitimate manner. The prerequisite for a sorted out strategy to keep up information was understood by the improvement of the Database Management System. In any case, today with the coming of innovations and the web, the volume and assortment of information has likewise expanded. The pre-social database frameworks didn't have their own arrangement of language to work with information taking care of. They needed to rely on the help of different dialects like C and COBOL so as to control and recover information from the database. Notwithstanding, dealing with the database model was as yet an endeavor of slaughter in those days. In this manner, the Relational Database model was presented. The Relational Database Management System was structured with the mean to store information in the structure tables and social. This helped the capacity to store or recover information from the database. SQL was later presented as the prime language for RDBMS structuring. SQL or Structured Query Language is a significant database script. It was one of the main business dialects, which was intended for database dealing with. The SQL language fills the need of the executives and recovery of information in social databases. This report expects to discuss the advancement of the SQL language with sharp insights concerning how the language was created, what achievements it had accomplished and the progressions it has looked of the previous decades. The improvement of SQL Language At first created at the IBM focuses by Raymond F. Boyce and Donald D. Chamberlin in the mid 1970s, SQL was called as SEQUEL or Structure English Query Language. Its underlying reason for existing was to control and recover information that was put away in System R, the semi social database the board arrangement of the organization. Nonetheless, the abbreviation SEQUEL must be changed to SQL as a UK-based airplane organization previously had the trademark rights over the name. Soon thereafter, Relational Software Inc. presently generally known as Oracle Corporation, perceived the significance and potential in the ideas of the language and they built up their own framework, driven by SQL. This framework was named Oracle Version 2. It was an industrially accessible item, at first intended for the VAX PCs. In the wake of having tried SQL in the different client test locales, IBM decided its common sense and convenience. Doing as such, they began chipping away at their new chain of ventur es. This time, they were unquestionably increasingly resolved to get a handle on the business advertise through their product dispatches. They created models of the System R model. These incorporated the SQL/DS, DB2 and System/38, which were accessible economically in the late 1970s and mid 1980s. At present, different social database frameworks or RDBMSs like Oracle Database, IBM DB2, MySQL, Microsofts SQL Server and Microsoft Access use SQL as their essential or foundation programming worldview. Karsai et al. (2014), says SQL is a space explicit non-procedural language. It very well may be utilized to store, refresh and recover information from a social database model. The social database comprises of one or numerous tables that hold information. SQL assists with getting to these tables and make connections between the tables inside the database, hence making a solid database, which is anything but difficult to work with. The working of the language will be talked about in subtleties in the up and coming areas of the report. Be that as it may, as referenced prior, the language was structured with the essential intention of database taking care of, which continues as before application until date. In any case, with the approach of innovation the language has experienced a few adjustments. These are to be extravagantly clarified in a later setting. Actualizing SQL As expressed before, SQL is a database working language. It incorporates the creation, cancellations and change of information as lines and sections in a table. It likewise permits the clients to get information from the database utilizing their particular pursuit measures. SQL is an American national Standards Institute or ANSI standard language. Be that as it may, the database word has seen various variants of the language over the previous years. The different tongues of the language that are broadly utilized are: Microsoft SQL server Prophet SQL Plus The MS Access variant of JET SQL SQLite These will be additionally examined under the development period of the SQL language. SQL orders are executed in an alternate strategy contrasted with other programming language codes. While executing a SQL order line for a RDM System, the most ideal approach to do the procedure demand is made sense of by the framework and afterward the SQL motor assumes up the liability of the translation of the assignment. The different advances and parts engaged with the execution of a SQL order are as per the following: Inquiry Dispatcher Advancement Engines Exemplary Query Engine SQL Query Engine, etc. Highlights and Constructs that portray SQL SQL gives its clients a wide scope of devices and orders to assemble a database and store and recover information from it. The essential highlights of the language that make it generally famous among the mass are recorded as follows: SQL permits clients to get to and alter information with in a social database. SQL highlights permits clients to make and erase or drop database and their separate tables. Information in the database can be depicted. Clients are allowed the chance to characterize and control information in the database. SQL likewise permits clients to make perspectives and capacities in the database. Clients can set consents on tables, perspectives and techniques. The most significant element of SQL is likely the capacity to incorporate with other programming dialects. SQL database can be utilized as back-end information stockpiling and recovery stages. SQL modules, pre-compilers and libraries. The exemplary inquiry motor of SQL handles the SQL questions and not the sensible documents or orders. The outline (Fig. 1) underneath clarifies the SQL Architecture. A language develop is characterized as a linguistic piece of a program. It might be shaped from one or numerous lexical tokens that complies with the guidelines of the specific programming language. In less complex words, it is fundamentally the sentence structure in which a programming language is developed. For this situation, for SQL the build of a general SQL inquiry is as per the following: Making a table Make TABLE table_name (field_name data_type requirement); Embeddings into table Addition INTO table_name (field_name) VALUES (field_values); Select information from the table SELECT field_names FROM table_name WHERE condition; These are the three generally required and essential order develops of SQL. It tends to be seen from the above builds that a semicolon ; is important to end an inquiry. Moreover, the qualities and field names must be spoken to inside enclosure as parameters. Some genuine instances of the language that utilizes these develops will be introduced in the segment beneath. The development of SQL Commitments of SQL in the field of Database Management Systems SQL has end up being a shelter to the business and the product business of the world. As SQL furnishes the software engineers with the medium to compose codes that encourages them to get wanted data from a database. It additionally encourages the software engineers to insert the inquiries with other programming dialects to make a total application framework. SQL is presently utilized in pretty much every field of electronic information stockpiling and preparing. From government databases to web based business sites on the web, SQL has been the key arrangement. Accomplishment of SQL and RDBMS Since the presentation of the SQL language, the language and its instruments has been broadly utilized. The language apparatuses have been coordinated with various different advances to deliver huge database frameworks. These frameworks can store gigantic pieces of information and recover or alter them for examination or different needs. Endeavors, since the commencement of this language has been utilizing SQL based social database for interior information stockpiling. It is broadly accepted that the accomplishment of social database and SQL is perhaps its best accomplishment. SQL, being a significant level information get to language, fits reasonably in its application for parallelism in information warehousing and in the automatic expansions for server based SQL conditions. It has been one of the principle mainstays of progress factors for a wide assortment of purchaser applications. These range from basic departmental programming applications to basic exchange or computation handl ing based applications. Database sellers, so as to react to the serious push, they ceaselessly tend enhance their SQL usage. Throughout the years, SQL has delivered a few application forms through the first IBM DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle SQL Plus and MS SQL Server. Web engineers favors MySQL and PostgreSQL though business stages are increasingly disposed towards the utilization of MS SQL server. Be that as it may, the enormous corporates and associations adhere to their utilization of the Oracle SQL database, as these can run on PCs and huge centralized computer machines too (Arora Gupta, 2012). Disappointment tasted by SQL in the ongoing past This interest because of innovative complexities have prompted the requirement for more up to date instruments and procedures. The progressive increment in the size of information assortment was gradually ending up being a danger for a SQL based social database to deal with. McAfee et al. (2012), states this is the time of Big Data. Enormous information is the information that is gathered from customers and other continuous situations so as to make complex investigation. Substantial pieces of information are put away consistently. Information, for example, these are should have been put away on mapping-database. SQL and its social methodology flops here (Madden, 2012). Affecting the cutting edge dialects The SQL language has driven the way for improvement. It had realized a renaissance in database the board. Be that as it may, since the
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Interview with MIT Sloan Fellows Stephen Sacca
UPDATE: Check out ourà interview with Johannaà Hising DiFabio, Director, MIT Sloan Fellows: MIT Sloan EMBA and Sloan Fellows Programs: Move from Success to Significance [Episode 263] The MIT Sloan Fellows program is a dynamic, constantly evolving program. The informative interview I had a few years ago with Stephen Sacca, Director of the MIT Sloan Fellows Program, is no longer entirely accurate because of changes that have taken place in the last four years. Mr. Sacca graciously agreed to a new interview so that readers can have the latest news about the MIT Sloan Fellows. (Warning: This interview is looong, even longer than last time! But highly informative.) Two of the things that are distinctive about the Sloan Fellows Program is that its a full-time residential program and that the applicants tend to be more experienced than other programs. How much experience do Sloan Fellows typically have and what are the minimum and maximum years of experience that you would recommend for a Sloan Fellow applicant? à Experience is one of the main drivers of this program. It drives the way the program is organized, it drives the way the faculty members deliver the content of the program and, certainly I think, it drives the Fellows experience on a peer-to-peer basis. So, we look for a minimum of 10 years of experience. The average has consistently been around 14 years for the past decade. That being said, during the admissions process we look at the person, the persons experience level, and the quality of that experience. This year there are, as in other years, probably three or four people who have fewer than 10 yearsââ¬âthe committee has made a decision that we dont go below nine years, but those nine years of experience are as packed with relevant experience as somebody with 10, 12, 14 years or more of experience. What do you want to see in an applicant? What are the criteria for admitting Sloan Fellows?à We want people with demonstrated leadership skills who know they havenââ¬â¢t yet reached their full potential. Theyre pursuing a program like the MIT Sloan Fellows even though people around them may tell them, You dont need to do this. We seek people who say, I know I can do better. I just need the opportunity to think deeply about how Iââ¬â¢m going to get to the next level. That kind of statement tells us that that person could really benefit from an MIT Sloan Fellows experience. This is not the program for people who are just kind of taking a year off or getting their ticket punched. We also seek candidates who have had significant experience leading and managing people. Were really here to help talented people develop further in an incredibly vibrant, innovative and global environment. In the last several years, we have put more emphasis on personal and professional leadership development, on understanding oneself in the context of past experiences and obtaining fresh insights to help prepare for future roles of responsibility and leadership. What are the typical educational and professional backgrounds of participants in the Sloan Fellows Program? In terms of educational experience, about 25% of the Fellows have engineering backgrounds, 20% have business backgrounds, 20% come from either economic- or computer science-related fields, and the rest of the students have backgrounds in the social sciences, medicine, law, and the humanities. Professionally, our students work in a wide number of industries ââ¬âà about 25, this year alone, of which the top 5 are technology, financial services, manufacturing, government and energy. Do Sloan Fellows need to take the GMAT?à Im glad you raised that, because that is a change. From this year we will require GMAT scores for applicants who havent successfully completed one of three courses: Finance I, Microeconomics or Calculus I during their previous academic experiences. Most MBA programs are experiencing an increase in the number of applications they receive. Is that your experience with the Sloan Fellows?à The applicant pool has been increasing significantly every year for the past five years. I think one reason why our numbers have increased is that were communicating more, weââ¬â¢re traveling more, and our recent graduates are definitely communicating to people within their networks about the benefits of the program. This years incoming class is 108 fellows, the largest and most diverse class weve ever admitted. Because our numbers have increased, its critical to keep the deep peer-to-peer experience as vibrant as it has always been. We have developed strategies to accomplish this and we are pleased with the success weââ¬â¢ve had with our initiatives. For example, right at the beginning of the year, we talk frankly to the fellows about how the challenges and opportunities before them can serve as ways to develop a cohesive, supportive and transparent environment, making the year an even more productive experience. And based on the last 3 years of classes, I dont think the camaraderie, the collegiality, and the close bonds among fellows are any different within a class of a hundred than they were in a class of fifty. What percentage of Sloan Fellows are sponsored at this point in time? What percentage are self-sponsored or entrepreneurs? à About 50% of the MIT Sloan Fellows class is sponsored this year. Of those that are self-funding their year at MIT, about 20% are entrepreneurs and about 30% are self-sponsored. In the past, we may have considered a candidate with sponsorship to be preferred because we thought that they had more focus than a non-sponsored applicant, but we have come to recognize that as an unfounded assumption. Ultimately we will continue to seek the most professionally accomplished people who meet our admissions criteria and are motivated to make a difference in their year at MIT Sloan and beyond.à And in doing so, weve actually freed ourselves up a little bit from some of the constraints we had. I think weve assembled a stronger cohort over the last several years as a result of this change in perspective. Having said that, we continue to have many strong partnerships with leading organizations around the world, organizations who entrust us with their top leadership talent. And we are enjoying a broader array of sponsorship among different industries than ever before. Sloan Fellows can pursue a Master of Science or an MBA. Whats the difference between the two degrees and what percentage of the class goes through each degree? à Roughly 95% last year selected the MBA degree, mainly because thats what is most easily understood outside academia. A few Fellows go for the Master of Science, and those tend to be people who may already have an MBA or want to write a thesis, which is the sole distinguishing factor between the MBA and the Master of Science. When we spoke four years ago there was the option of a two-year program in addition to the one-year program. Theres only a one-year program now, right? à Thats right. We have retired the two-year Flex option. What is the structure of the Sloan Fellows Program? The MIT Sloan Fellows Program is a full 12-month program, with the course of study divided into three terms. The program begins with a specialized summer term. This is a very intense period, often referred to as ââ¬Å"boot camp.â⬠It provides academic preparation for the year and is the foundation for the entire program. All work in the summer is done in teams of four selected by the Program Office staff who conduct the interviewsââ¬âthe study groups are composed of fellows from different backgrounds and professions who learn to work together. After the summer, the Fellows participate in the fall and spring terms, and other than core courses, are fully integrated into the MIT Sloan School with other students for their elective courses. There are roughly 100 Fellows in each class, and they are divided into two sections of fifty each. We change the sections four times over the course of the year so that all fellows are able to participate in core courses with all other fellows. In addition to the Sloan Fellows core courses, they are able to take electives at other schools within MIT and Harvard. The program allows cross registration at Harvardââ¬â¢s Kennedy School of Government and Harvard Business School. In fact, MIT Sloan Fellows are able to take more electives than any other program like it. Can you tell us more about your summer term?à We are really pleased with the introduction of a new and innovative element of the summer term, a module called ââ¬Å"Leadership and Integrative Management,â⬠which spans the entire term. The purpose of the module is to help the fellows understand the broader context of their MIT experience. In previous years, weve really just started off with the details of finance and accounting and so forth but this week-long exercise looks at a single problem, issue or opportunity in an integrative way. More specifically, the module focuses on leadership development and decision-making delivered across several disciplines by several leading faculty at MIT Sloan, including Andrew Lo, Duncan Simester, Don Lessard, John Van Maanen, John Sterman, among others.à The goal is to provide concepts, frameworks and tools for discussing leadership, community/team building, analysis and decision-making as individuals and in groups, self-assessment and individual development, opportunities for active learning, and interaction with top-level leaders across a range of organizations through leadership speaker sessions. The module was highly successful this year and I am certain will prove to be an essential foundation for the summer term in future years. It looks like a lot of learning occurs off-campus during trips. Can you talk about them a little? à All Sloan Fellows take three trips a year. One is to New York City (which focuses on leadership), the second is to Silicon Valley/San Francisco (which focuses on innovation), and the third trip is international, which offers a global perspective. This year we traveled to South Africa and Brazil, examining how two economic giants on their respective continents interact with the rest of the countries on their continent and on the global stage. Do your students take advantage of the opportunity to study at Harvard and vice versa? The students benefit from having two world-class organizations within 10 minutes of each other. Taking courses at Harvard allows students to experience a different approach and perspective. Harvard students are also welcome to take courses at MIT Sloan. Our lab coursesââ¬âan MIT Sloan distinctive featureââ¬âà are in huge demand by Harvard students. How do the Fellows initially respond to the program?à Every year, after the first month or so of the program, Fellows stop by my office and say, You didnt tell me how deep and impactful this program is. And I respond with, You tell me how I can do that, and Ill do it. It is one of those life experiences that can be really challenging to describe without going through it: the development of a sense of knowledge, confidence and motivation to make change. Every year in April, the current class hosts the incoming class and provides an orientation to the program, the MIT Sloan School, and MIT. Its all about the current class talking and giving their perspectives on the program and helping to transfer culture. A long and very valuable tradition in our program. What role do alumni play in the recruiting process?à Alumni play an incredibly important role in helping us to identify those people fit for the program and to champion the program either within organizations or with others. We often say that ââ¬Å"it takes a fellow to know a fellow,â⬠referring to our past graduatesââ¬â¢ ability to identify those individuals in their organization or network who may also possess the characteristics that we seek in successful MIT Sloan Fellows candidates. What role do entrepreneurs play in the program?à Entrepreneurs serve as a bridge between people who have spent their lives in an established corporate environment and those people who are thinking about striking out on their own. The entrepreneurs are people who have actually done it. They offer tremendous perspectives to their classmates: You may think you have a good idea, but itââ¬â¢s a competitive environment for new and innovative ideasâ⬠¦ In essence theyre helping other fellows understand what it takes to grow an idea from inception through to execution. What distinguishes Sloan Fellows from regular Sloan MBAs? à Our major distinguishing feature is the focus on a mid-career track record of success and exceptional leadership potential. And we are more diverse. I mean, I think our MBA program is 70% US, 30% global. Were exactly the opposite, with 70% global. Do you offer career placement services?à We offer career enhancement services that help fellows understand how to best leverage their MIT Sloan Fellows experience after the program concludes. We use the term ââ¬Å"career enhancementâ⬠as a way to differentiate our offerings from other programs that provide recruiting services. Our portfolio of services excludes recruiting or job placement for fellows, assuming that the caliber of fellows is such that they are being pursued by organizations or they have their next idea already percolating in their heads. We prepare fellows for recruiting and job search initiatives they conduct on their own by offering a range of activities, workshops, and peer and faculty coaching sessions to help individuals with salary negotiation, resume development, and understanding networking and communication. We also offer industry briefings, which are panels of alumni and experts from specific industries who share information about their work and current business practices in those areas, and specifically within their own organizations. Again, were not really focusing on the job, but on helping people to understand who they are and what their possibilities are within the context of the external environment. You emphasized in our previous interview that the Sloan Fellows are very focused on the education theyre getting. They value the educational experience, the classroom experience, and the Sloan experience because theyre not worried about getting that next job. Do you feel that thats changed somewhat due to the current economy?à à Perhaps itââ¬â¢s changed slightly, but not significantly. We let people know ahead of time that if they need to be working the day after graduation, this isnt the right program for them. Our program requires too much focus for Fellows to simultaneously be involved in job searching during the course of the program in any substantive way. How would you describe the relationship between Fellows and faculty?à The Fellows are our colleagues, were here for them, and we really want to support them to make their year at MIT Sloan a productive, enriching experience that will advance them in their personal and professional pursuits. Every few weeks we conduct lunchtime ââ¬Å"Forumsâ⬠à that provide an opportunity for informal discussions about how their term is progressing. We in the MIT Sloan Fellows Program office strive to establish a supportive and collegial atmosphere to facilitate open and transparent exchange of perspectives. We feel privileged to work with such exceptional people every year! For help with your MIT Sloan Fellows application, as well as other MBA, EMBA and Sloan Fellows applications, please see Accepteds MBA admissions consulting and MBA essay editing. hbspt.cta.load(58291, '4751002f-5aa9-40d8-bb71-6d43a4318bd2', {}); For 25 years, Accepted has helped business school applicants gain acceptance to top programs. Our outstanding team of MBA admissions consultants features former business school admissions directors and professional writers who have guided our clients to admission at top MBA, EMBA, and other graduate business programs worldwide including Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Booth, INSEAD, London Business School, and many more.à Want an MBA admissions expertà to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch!
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Physical Health Problems Of Malnutrition - 1971 Words
Due to the cramped living conditions, poor hygiene, and shortage of food, sickness and disease circulated below the decks of the slave ships. One of the most significant physical health problems was malnutrition. The quantity and quality of food were both inadequate, as the ship crews did not want to squander resources to purchase proper nutrition. Items, such as fresh meat and fruits, added an additional expense that would cut deep into the captainââ¬â¢s pocket. Food, onboard the slave ships, was substandard. The African slavesââ¬â¢ diet consisted primarily of horse beans, yams, and rice. The slaves evidently did not have much to consume, which ultimately affected their bodiesââ¬â¢ ability to repel infections: They are commonly fed twice a day; about 8:00 in the morning and 4:00 in the afternoonâ⬠¦their food is served up to them in tubs about the size of a small water bucket. They are placed around these tubs, in companies of ten to each tub, out of which they feed themselves with wooden spoonsâ⬠¦their allowance of water is about a half a pint each at every meal. In addition, the system of feeing the slaves, who were either healthy or unhealthy, from the same bucket contributed to the spread of infectious diseases. Furthermore, the African slaves suffered from a variety of illnesses. The most common disease was dysentery, which was directly connected to the filthy conditions on the slave ships. Passed through contaminated water and food, this disease was life-threatening, if notShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Protein Energy Malnutrition On Children And Children1708 Words à |à 7 Pagesphysically with mentally. Protein energy malnutrition is the deficiencies of protein, energy and other micronutrients. This malnutrition disease can be affected from not eating enough healthy diets and recognizing by physical appearance signs, dietary data and bio-medical data. There are some factors affecting in age groups women and children malnutrition by socioeconomic and cultural factors, biological factors, and environmental factors (1). Malnutrition fully af fected to the starving with otherRead MoreChild Malnutrition1718 Words à |à 7 PagesIntroduction Malnutrition is the cause of more than half of all child deaths worldwide. Malnourished children have lowered resistance to infection; they are more likely to die from common childhood ailments such as diarrhoeal diseases and respiratory infections. Although the share of children who are malnourished has gradually been declining over the past 25 years, the actual number of malnourished children is still rising in many underdeveloped and developing countries. For example, in 1995,167Read MoreMalnutrition673 Words à |à 3 PagesSelect a global health issue impacting the international health community. Briefly describe the global health issue and its impact on the larger health care system (i.e., continents, regions, countries, states, and health departments). How can health care delivery systems work collaboratively to address global health concerns? Malnutrition is a problem that is estimated to contribute to more than one third of death among children (WHO, 2014). Under nutrition is a form of malnutrition; it occurs whenRead MoreEssay on Low Health Expectancy1034 Words à |à 5 Pagescontribute to low health expectancy in developing countries? Discuss possible solutions to reduce this problem. Tutor Name: Andrew Nummey Student ID Number: 200860429 Date of Submission: Friday 2nd December 2011 Word count:966 STUDENT ID: 200860429 MODULE CODE: FC501 3T ANDREW NUMMEY What are the factors which contribute to low health expectancy in developing countries? Discuss possible solutions to reduce this problem. Low health expectancyRead MoreMalnutrition in Children and Its Effects919 Words à |à 4 Pagesthings. Whether it is physical abuse, mental abuse, or neglect, one term that does not always come up is malnutrition. Malnutrition is defined as, Faulty nutrition due to inadequate or unbalanced intake of nutrients or their impaired assimilation or utilization ( Malnutrition is usually associated with third world countries and the families who live there who are poor and underprivileged. That statement, however, is incorrect. Here in the U.S., malnutrition is a battle that familiesRead MoreMalnutrition Between Children And Developing Countries979 Words à |à 4 Pages Malnutrition in children in developing countries There is enough food to feed every single person in the world, however, billions of people in different parts of the world are starving, especially of third world counties. With not enough food to eat, childrenââ¬â¢s in developing countries are malnourished, which in general termed described as Malnutrition. Malnutrition is the condition that develops when the body is deprived of vitamins, mineral, and other nutrient it needs to maintain healthy tissuesRead MoreThe Effects Of Proper Nutrients On Children1190 Words à |à 5 Pagesbrings too many effects towards growth and development on children. Drugs, mental health conditions, and also neglecting parents disturb the appropriate grow of a child. Our body needs a balance amount of nutrients for our survival and for a good health. When people consume drugs, such as, amphetamines, cocaine and some other illegal drugs they are in higher risk of not getting enough nutrients for their body and health. They tend to skip meals affecting their body, and also their internal organs. DrugRead MoreIntroduction. According To The World Bank, United Nations1581 Words à |à 7 PagesIntroduction According to the World Bank, United Nations International Childrenââ¬â¢s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), and the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 23% of children in Ecuador have stunted growth and 6% are underweight (2016). Children who are malnourished, especially from the ages of 0-2 years, are at a heightened risk for long term physical, mental, and social consequences. According to Skolnik (2016), 45% of childhood deaths are related to poor nutrition (195). Nutrition is a keyRead MoreNature Nurture Debate922 Words à |à 4 Pagesparental attention or early introduction to reading are undeniably influential, yet features of the physical environment can obviously play a great role as well. Three of these physical environmental factors that may have abundant influence on intellectual development are environment itself, malnutrition, and, teratogens. Environmental factors have a direct influence on a childââ¬â¢s development. Childrenââ¬â¢s health and developmental growth can be hindered by unsanitary living conditions, social developmentRead MoreThe Importance Of Nutrition On Our Daily Lives1683 Words à |à 7 Pagesstudying the human body and how it ages. While we have yet discover immortality we have figured out how to extend our lifespan and increase our quality of life. The many advances in public health and nutrition have contributed to a rapid growth of the elderly population (Chedraui Pà ©rez-Là ³pez, 2013). The World Health Organization (2016) estimates that 16% of the population is over the age of 65 and these figures are predicted to rise over the next 30 years. Nutrition is well-recognized as a modifiable
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Review Of Surgery Versus Surgery Alone For Colorectal Cancer
Research Summary Study # 1 Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Followed by Surgery Versus Surgery Alone for Colorectal Cancer This study was meta-analysis review, over six studies using randomized controlled clinical trials, and is Level I on the hierarchy of evidence (Stillwell et al., 2010). These trials were conducted between 2002 and 2012, and the researcher conduced their search in 2014. They compared 1393 patients (50.6% of their population studied) using neoadjuvant chemotherapy 1358 patients (49.2%) using surgery alone. All patients had colorectal cancer, and mirrored each other in the percent of male vs. female and age. The researchers separated their data by the location of the tumor ââ¬âascending, descending, transverse, sigmoid and rectum.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦According to their conclusions overall among all of the studies, neoadjuvant chemotherapy seemed to reduce or delay the possibility of distant metastasisââ¬âespecially to the liverââ¬â in patients with colorectal cancer (Huang, et al., 2014). Study # 2 Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Surgical Management of the Axilla in Breast Cancer: A Review of Current Data This is a systematic review that has looked over several randomized studies, nine in total, in regards to whether neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) can impact patients who would otherwise have an axillary lymph node dissection (ALND). This is an example of a Level I evidence Stillwell et al., 2010). Sixty-one percent of women with stage I or II breast cancer will have a breast conservation surgery (BCS) and 36%, a mastectomy. However, in those with stage III, 72% will have a mastectomy instead of BCS (American Cancer Society, 2016). The researchers found studies that showed that some patients who could undergo breast-conserving therapy (BCT) after their tumor had been down-staged. The researchers mentioned data from another study that followed more than 403 patients, 22% of which had metastasis, but had a complete response to neoadjuvant treatment. Eighty-seven percent of the ones who had the complete response had a recurrence-free survival. They found overall that the patients with no de-negative sentinelShow MoreRelatedColorectal Cancer : Cancer And Cancer2998 Words à |à 12 PagesCancer occurs when abnormal cells in the body uncontrollably replicate forming a malignant tumor that invades nearby tissues. It has the capability to affect any part of the body and spread to tissues throughout the body. There are many different types of cancers including rectal cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and skin cancer. Rectal cancer is a disease in which cancer cells develop and form in the tissues of the rectum. Rectal cancer is typically classified with colon cancer whereRead MoreA Research Protocol Assessment Task2107 Words à |à 9 PagesResearch Protocol Assessment Task MEDI7241, Semester 1, 2016 Student Name: Arnav Gupta Student Number: 42936257 ââ¬Æ' Part 1: Cancer is globally recognised in both developed and developing nations as a principal cause of morbidity and mortality.1 An associated and often fatal malignancy is Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA).2 Unlike other cancers, including but not limited to breast, colorectal, gastric, lung and pancreatic, in which resection may potentially present a cure, greater than one-third of patients thatRead MoreNanoparticles As Targeted Therapies : A New Generation Of Cancer Treatments1473 Words à |à 6 PagesName: Kevin Lam Student number: 688524 Words count for main text: Nanoparticles as Targeted Therapies: A New Generation of Cancer Treatments Abstract 1 abstract only in 2nd page 1. Introduction 2. Definition of Nanotherapy Nanotherapy is a novel therapy that depends on nanotechnology, nanomaterial and nanoparticles to improve certain drug properties (e.g. solubility, stability, half-lives, transportation, etc.) used to treat diseases (Harris et al. 2006). MoreoverRead MoreEndometriosis5236 Words à |à 21 Pagesuniversal symptom is pelvic pain in various manifestations. Endometriosis is a common finding in women with infertility. There is no cure for endometriosis, but it can be treated in a variety of ways, including pain medication, hormonal treatments, and surgery. Contents â⬠¢ 1 Signs and symptoms o 1.1 Pelvic pain o 1.2 Fertility o 1.3 Other o 1.4 Complications â⬠¢ 2 Risk factors o 2.1 Environmental toxins o 2.2 Genetics o 2.3 Aging â⬠¢ 3 Pathophysiology o 3.1 Formation of ectopic endometrium ï⠧ 3.1.1 RetrogradeRead MoreEndometriosis5225 Words à |à 21 Pagesuniversal symptom is pelvic pain in various manifestations. Endometriosis is a common finding in women with infertility. There is no cure for endometriosis, but it can be treated in a variety of ways, including pain medication, hormonal treatments, and surgery. Contents â⬠¢ 1 Signs and symptoms o 1.1 Pelvic pain o 1.2 Fertility o 1.3 Other o 1.4 Complications â⬠¢ 2 Risk factors o 2.1 Environmental toxins o 2.2 Genetics o 2.3 Aging â⬠¢ 3 Pathophysiology o 3.1 Formation of ectopic endometrium ï⠧Read MoreRobotic Surgery Essay example14445 Words à |à 58 PagesRobotic Surgery HUM432: Technology, Society, and Culture April 15, 2012 Table of Contents Abstract ââ¬â Page 3 Introductionââ¬â page 4 Description of Robotic Surgery page 5 Applications of Robotic Surgery ââ¬â page 4 ââ¬â 7 History of Robotic Surgery - ââ¬â page 8 Robotic Surgery ââ¬â- page 9 Advantages of Robot-Assisted Surgery ââ¬â page 9, 10 Disadvantages of Robotic Surgery ââ¬â page 11, 12 Political Influences ââ¬â page 13 - 16 Legal Influences ââ¬â page 16 ââ¬â 20 Economic Questions/ Considerations ââ¬âRead MoreRobotic Assisted Surgery16730 Words à |à 67 PagesRobotic Assisted Surgery Research Project LAS 432 Professor Scott Maxon Team B Richard Field Melissa Cutrer Charles Engle Ryan Ferree Nada Dakroub Yarin Garcia Miralles Table of Contents Abstractâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦..â⬠¦3 Introductionâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦....4-5 I. Description of the Technology (Melissa Cutrer)â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦5-12 II. History of the Technology (Melissa Cutrer)â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.â⬠¦.12-17 III. Political and Legal Influences (Richard Field)â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Read MoreHealth Care Analysis8147 Words à |à 33 PagesCanada was financed by government, versus 46% in the United States. Total government spending per capita in the U.S. on health care was 23% higher than Canadian government spending, and U.S. government expenditure on health care was just under 83% of total Canadian spending (public and private) though these statistics dont take in to account population differences.[6] Studies have come to different conclusions about the result of this disparity in spending. A 2007 review of all studies comparing healthRead MoreWireless Capsule Endoscopy : Past And Present5831 Words à |à 24 PagesTechnological progress 10 3.1.1 Locomotion 10 Internal locomotion 10 External locomotion 11 3.1.2 Localisation 11 3.1.3 Vision 12 3.1.4 Sensing 12 3.1.5 Power 12 3.2 Intervention and tissue manipulation 13 3.3 Gastric and oesophageal cancer screening in low-income countries 13 Chapter 4 Conclusion 15 References 16 Abstract The first wireless capsule endoscope was invented to visualise the small bowel, which was previously largely inaccessible to conventional endoscopy due to its lengthRead Morepharmacoeconomic Essay14259 Words à |à 58 Pages(2013) 31:25ââ¬â48 DOI 10.1007/s40273-012-0008-3 SYSTEMATIC REVIEW A Systematic and Critical Review of the Evolving Methods and Applications of Value of Information in Academia and Practice Lotte Steuten â⬠¢ Gijs van de Wetering â⬠¢ ` Karin Groothuis-Oudshoorn â⬠¢ Valesca Retel Published online: 4 December 2012 Ãâ Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2012 Abstract Objective This article provides a systematic and critical review of the evolving methods and applications of value of information
Communication in Organization for Face of Dolphins-myassignmenthelp
Question: How Organizations Can Manage the Crisis They Face Of Dolphins Death. Answer: Organizations that are concerned with matters affecting aquatic animals such as SPCA have requested the Marine Life Park to take its objectives from the advanced abroad activities. This is whereby various bodies in certain countries like Costa Rica and Chile have banned programs such as swimming of dolphin as the degree of nearness to each other and noise from outside may befuddle and discomfort them catching and confining these animals(Saad, 2018). Holding the dolphins in a limited space forces them to convert into something different to what they are. This reduces the degree of significance to the quality of knowledge given to the public about the aqua life and their surrounding factors. SPCA also stated that when you compare dolphins to other sea creatures, dolphins do not thrive or perform well in terms of the generation when they are detained. ACRES has on record informed the Humane Society in the U.S and the entire World Society about taking care of the dolphins, by stating that these animals are encircled by even conditions that enhance their natural employment of auditoria features(Reid Northridge, 2003). Various reports have recommended control measures and procedure to stop the release of harmful acidic waste product into the seas where these species live in. The ship breaking yards and industries that carry out their activities around these areas should respond according to the rules and regulations set and passed by the ministry of shipping and ministry of environment. A research done by Deepesh V, who is a CPCB scientist recorded that state pollution control board (PCB) should inquire the occasions of distinguishing chemical waste discarding along the beaches and coastal regions, and lawful steps should be taken against them.(Allen Mortenson, 2011) It is also advisable for national aquarium services to stop their collective dolphin shows(WEI, 2018). Various scientific realms have ascertained that the buying and selling of these dolphins are not sustainable and have driven these creatures more and more near to the termination of their existence. The Animal Concerns Research and Education Society, one of the most powerful organizations in Singapore takes part in diminishing RWS for keeping dolphins in their restrained custody. When a new Marine Mammal Protection law was adopted in the U.S.A in the year 2014 unintentional catching of dolphins decreased rapidly, lowering the number of dolphins mortality. Various organizations from other parts of the world are recommended to adopt the same law in their regions for it has proved to be delivering positive results of rescuing dolphins from overfishing. Reference Allen, S. G., Mortenson, J. (2011). Field Guide to Marine Mammals of the Pacific Coast: Baja, California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia. University of California Press. James B. Reid, Northridge, S. P. (2003). Atlas of cetacean distribution in north-west European waters. Joint Nature Conservation Committee. Saad, I. (2018, April 4). ACRES urges Resorts World Sentosa to release dolphins. Retrieved from Wild Singapore : WEI, T. S. (2018, April 4). SPCA urges RWS to release dolphins after fourth death. Retrieved from We set you Thinking today:
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
TUGAS PENGANTAR DEMOGRAFI PIRAMIDA PENDUDUK KABUPATEN PATI TAHUN 2005, 2010, 2015 DAN ANALISISNYA -9525271145 Oleh : Mohammad Ammar Alwandi (16.9277) Piramida Penduduk Laki-laki/Perempuan Menurut Kelompok Umur 5 Tahunan dan Jenis Kelamin Kabupaten Pati Piramida Penduduk Laki-laki/Perempuan Menurut Kelompok Umur 5 Tahunan dan Jenis Kelamin Kabupaten Pati Tahun 2005 Tabel 1.1 PENDUDUK KABUPATEN PATI MENURUT KELOMPOK UMUR DAN JENIS KELAMIN TAHUN 2005 KELOMPOK UMUR LAKI LAKI PEREMPUAN JUMLAH (1) (2) (3) (4) 0 - 4 51590 48886 100476 5 - 9 56610 53749 110359 10 - 14 58315 55457 113772 15 - 19 61726 58679 120405 20 - 24 51097 54361 105458 25 - 29 49071 53259 102330 30 - 34 49495 54022 103517 35 - 39 49157 51608 100765 40 - 44 44013 42315 86328 45 - 49 34332 31379 65711 50 - 54 24598 27342 51940 55 - 59 22518 24919 47437 60 - 64 20403 24604 45007 65 - 69 14740 18586 33326 70 - 74 9697 12229 21926 75 + 6799 9311 16110 JUMLAH 604161 620706 1224867 Sumber : Pati dalam Angka Tahun 2006 BPS Kab. Pati Gambar 1.1 Piramida Penduduk Kabupaten Pati Tahun 2005 Piramida Penduduk Laki-laki/Perempuan Menurut Kelompok Umur 5 Tahunan dan Jenis Kelamin Kabupaten Pati Tahun 2010 Tabel 1.2 PENDUDUK KABUPATEN PATI MENURUT KELOMPOK UMUR DAN JENIS KELAMIN TAHUN 2010 KELOMPOK UMUR LAKI LAKI PEREMPUAN JUMLAH (1) (2) (3) (4) 0 - 4 47078 44203 91281 5 - 9 49852 47557 97409 10 - 14 52631 50185 102816 15 - 19 49052 48582 97634 20 - 24 37515 42458 79973 25 - 29 43262 49539 92801 30 - 34 45182 49233 94415 35 - 39 43252 47189 90441 40 - 44 44554 49083 93637 45 - 49 42505 45153 87658 50 - 54 37267 37101 74368 55 - 59 28126 26024 54150 60 - 64 18403 22170 40573 65 - 69 15735 19891 35626 70 - 74 11965 17055 29020 75 + 11748 17443 29191 JUMLAH 578127 612866 1190993 Sumber : Pati dalam Angka Tahun 2011 BPS Kab. Pati Gambar 1.2 Piramida Penduduk Kabupaten Pati Tahun 2010 Tabel 1. 3 PENDUDUK KABUPATEN PATI MENURUT KELOMPOK UMUR DAN JENIS KELAMIN TAHUN 2015 KELOMPOK UMUR LAKI LAKI PEREMPUAN JUMLAH 0 - 4 46954 44355 91309 5 - 9 48764 46351 95115 10 - 14 49461 47899 97360 15 - 19 49918 49124 99042 20 - 24 43518 45975 89493 25 - 29 39247 43811 83058 30 - 34 41595 46957 88552 35 - 39 44293 48735 93028 40 - 44 44978 48861 93839 45 - 49 43858 47790 91648 50 - 54 40260 42350 82610 55 - 59 34365 34941 69306 60 - 64 25661 27486 53147 65 - 69 17380 21271 38651 70 - 74 12602 16953 29555 75 + 14460 22739 37199 JUMLAH 597314 635598 1232912 Piramida Penduduk Laki-laki/Perempuan Menurut Kelompok Umur 5 Tahunan dan Jenis Kelamin Kabupaten Pati Tahun 2015 Sumber : Pati dalam Angka Tahun 2016 BPS Kab. Pati Gambar 1.3 Piramida Penduduk Kabupaten Pati Tahun 2015 Analisis Piramida Penduduk Analisis Menurut Bentuk Piramida Pada tahun 2005 piramida penduduk di Kabupaten Pati berbentuk Constrictive. Bagian dasar piramida kecil dan sebagian besar penduduk masih b erada dalam kelompok umur muda. Dari piramida di atas dapat diketahui bahwa pada masa lalu angka kelahiran tinggi namun proporsi penduduk yang dapat hidup terus ke usia dewasa dan menjadi tua lebih sedikit. Pada tahun 2010 badan piramida mulai menggembung, hal ini menandakan bahwa Infant Mortality Rate (Angka Kematian Bayi) sehingga bayi lahir dapat bertahan hidup sampai dewasa . Selain itu Fertility dan Mortality Rate menurun jika dibandingkan dengan tahun 2005. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari semakin berkurangnya penduduk di kelompok umur 0-4 dan bertambahnya penduduk di kelompok umur 75+. Jika ketiga piramida dibandingkan, maka dapat dilihat bahwa tiap tahun Fertility dan Mortality menu run. Hal ini bisa diamati pada piramida tahun 2015 yang menggembung dibagian badan piramid. Dengan demikian ada pertambahan penduduk usia tua. Hal yang menarik disini adalah dalam kelompok usia 20 - 34 cenderung mengalami penurunan tiap tahun. Kejadian ini diakibatkan banyak penduduk yang bermigrasi ke kota lain untuk mencari pekerjaan ataupun untuk mengenyam pendidikan (berkuliah). Menurut BPS Kabupaten Pati pendapatan utaman daerah ini adalah pertanian . Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, para pemuda di Pati kurang
Monday, March 16, 2020
LEGALIZE IT essays We should legalize marijuana, because it causes more problems that it is illegal then it ever would if it were legal. I feel that the prohibition of marijuana is a bigger problem then the smoking of it. No one has ever overdosed on weed, more people die in alcohol related accidents then pot related accidents. The forbiddance of weed is the biggest reason for the exploding prison population. Many non-violent drug offenders are serving longer prison sentences, then murders, then rapist and other violent criminals. It cost taxpayers 30,000 dollars a year to imprison 1 non-violent drug offender . Thats why politicians are spending billions of tax dollars on building new prisons and jails to hold everyone, and at the same money for education , healthcare, and other important things are running short. The methods used by the government to stop drug abuse arent working . All they are doing is creating a black market for weed and other drugs. Stopping marijuana use cost billions of dollars to enforce and it makes millions of good hardworking, taxpaying, weed smoking individuals into criminals. Adult use of alcohol and tobacco are legal and accepted ,but adult use of marijuana is illegal. With alcohol you can die or get more impaired then with weed and cigarettes are Many people have the belief that we need to keep weed illegal to keep it away from our teenagers and children. That is a good theory and it makes sense, but it is false it doesnt work. There are at least 10 to 15 places that I know in walking distance, where I know I can get weed , but for me to get a beer it might take a half an hour to an hour standing outside a bar asking people to go in the bar or beer distributor and buy me some beer. In some countries like Holland it is legal to buy pot, but the percent of teenagers who smoke weed there is less then half of the amount of teenagers who ...
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Cesar Chavezs Use of Antithesis and Diction to Portray His Beliefs on the Argument on Why Nonviolent Resistance Trumps Violent Resistance
Cesar Chavez's Use of Antithesis and Diction to Portray His Beliefs on the Argument on Why Nonviolent Resistance Trumps Violent Resistance Ten years following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., people still protested and empathized on behalf of his death, but labor union organizer and civil rights leader Cesar Chavez argues as to why nonviolent resistance, trumps violent resistance. Chavez is able to portray his belief to the people through his strong use of antithesis and diction, and while even alluding to a historical leader whose views and beliefs are still extremely well known today. Through his use of strong rhetoric, and specific examples Chavez is able to solidify his argument in favor of nonviolent resistance. Throughout the article, Chavez uses antithesis to contrast the cons of violent resistance, with the pros of his argument for nonviolent resistance. Chavez first shines light to one of the pros of nonviolent resistance when he claims that, ââ¬Å"Nonviolence provides the opportunity to stay on the offensive, and that is of crucial importance to win any contest.â⬠Chavez is trying to get the point across that it is better to stay on good, and safe terms, rather than ââ¬Å"fighting fire with fire,â⬠because that can easily get violent, dangerous, and out of hand fast. Chavez juxtaposes this idea of being civil and not, ââ¬Å"fighting fire with fire,â⬠with cons of violent resistance when he says that, ââ¬Å"If we resort to violence then one of two things will happen, either the violence will be escalated and there will be many injuries and perhaps death on both sides, or there will be total demoralization of the workers.â⬠Both the outcomes that Chavez portrays as a result of violent resistance are bad, and Chavez takes advantage of this situation in order to continue advocating for nonviolent resistance by soon after stating, ââ¬Å"Nonviolence has exactly the opposite effect.â⬠Chavez finally puts to rest his portrayal of the negative consequences of violent resistance after he says, ââ¬Å"Violence does not work in the long run and if it is temporarily successful, it replaces on violent form of power with another just as violent.â⬠This statement ends his juxtaposition against violent resistance, leaving the reader with a chance to think about the truth of this statement, and as seen through history this statement proves rather accurate. Chavez uses strong diction in an effort to persuade the reader to advocate for nonviolent resistance. When Chavez first begins to argue against violent resistance, he uses powerful words such as ââ¬Å"escalated,â⬠and ââ¬Å"demoralization,â⬠to describe the negative effects of violent resistance. The words have a negative connotation in the context that they are used, which adds to the argument against violent resistance. Chavez uses this diction in this specific paragraph because this is the first time he truly introduces the idea of violent resistance, and he wants to immediately make it appear bad, and negative. Another instance in which Chavez uses strong diction is when he uses the words ââ¬Å"frustration,â⬠and ââ¬Å"impatience,â⬠in order to express how he is aware of how people feel frustrated, impatient, and angry, but he follows this up by saying that is no reason to resort to violent resistance, because eventually things will work out. It is throu gh his strong use of diction, that Chavez is further able to leave a lasting impression on the reader as to why nonviolent resistance is a far more reasonable, and effective form of resistance. Chavez continues to argue in favor of nonviolent resistance, by alluding to Mahatma Gandhi, one of the most famous men in the world, who is known for his firm stance on nonviolent resistance. Gandhi was able to lead India to its independence without any use of violence. By alluding to Gandhi, Chavez is making an effort to prove to readers that things can get done without the use of violence, and the story of Gandhi shows just that. Chavezââ¬â¢s use of antithesis clearly portrays his reasoning as to how the pros of nonviolent resistance, outweigh the many cons of violent resistance, and through his use of strong diction, and an allusion that shows historical proof that nonviolent resistance is an effective strategy, Chavez is able to make a strong case for nonviolent resistance.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Caribbeanization of North America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Caribbeanization of North America - Essay Example itians fled to the United States during the eighteenth and nineteenth century following political unrest in the mid 1790s, which is evident from their visible presence in contemporary American society. The continued migration of Haitians in large numbers was reminiscent of the prolonged political subjugation coupled with a severe dearth of opportunity followed by the ensuing economic hardships. The illegal migration of Haitians still continues in present day (Fox News, 2002). The Haitians are found in large numbers in various parts of the United States of America, especially, in New York and New Orleans where they migrated or were brought as slaves. The sheer number of Haitians in such popular metropolitan neighborhoods where they are highly visible as an ethnic population, account for the transformation of certain cultural habits, establishment of ethnic businesses including bakery shops, music, grocery stores, restaurants, etc which have heavy prominence to their respective cultures and ethnicity. The stores selling voodoo artifacts,provide a representation of predominantly Haitian culture. Besides the Little Haiti situated in the heart of Miami, signifies the settlement and amalgamation of the Caribbeans in America. Haitians are also seen in Louisiana where they were introduced in significant numbers between the years 1720 ââ¬â 1780. Due to such large scale transformation of Africans in the locality, they soon outnumbered the whites; which is evident from the fact that blacks constituted a majority of the population in New Orleans, especially during the first four decades of the 19th century who eventually fled the regions following the surge in racial harassment and rising restrictions on slaves. The impact of Caribbean influence is however, apparent in American music, dance, arts, literature, as well as religious practices and politics. The Africans brought along with them their strong traditions and culture which eventually got merged with that of
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Case Study He Said, She Said Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
He Said, She Said - Case Study Example Presentation of the Key Facts It seems that Marie and Lenny have lived together for some time without Mike. The reason this seems this way is because Marie wants Mike to have a hands off approach in matters with Lenny. She is Mikeââ¬â¢s fiancee but she does not allow him to have any real interaction about the discipline with Lenny. Lenny does whatever he pleases and in this particular instance, he defies his curfew. There could be many things going on with him until these wee hours of the morning. Marie does not seem to want to punish Lenny in any real way and this makes Mike very concerned with their relationship. As an example, in the present situation, Marie did not approach Lenny for the reason he was out until 2:45 am, but rather told him she was worried and that he should call if he is going to be out late. Her conflict style with Lenny seems to be very passive and one that seems to avoid conflict (Bragg, 2010). It seems that Marie does not want to make Lenny angry because h e is her child and the relationship with him is more important than discipline. Also, Lenny tells his mother he will do whatever she wants around the house as long as she allows him to stay out late. Mike on the other hand, sees where the situation is going and knows that Lenny needs discipline. He has a more assertive style but he seems to not show it because Marie will not let him.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Partial Birth Abortion :: Biology Essays Research Papers
Partial Birth Abortion In the continuing debates on the legality and morality of abortion, "partial birth" abortions have become a hot topic. What exactly is a partial birth abortion? Nebraska state legislation defines it as "an abortion procedure in which the person performing the abortion partially delivers a living unborn child before killing the unborn child and completing delivery" (1). While this definition may be fine for legal purposes, it still does not address the actual procedures; we still do not know what an actual partial birth abortion procedure entails. The most common procedure is called Intact Dilation and Evacuation, or D&E. D&E involves dismembering the fetus inside the uterine cavity and then pulling it out through the already dilated cervix (1) . Another less common, but more controversial method is the dilation and extraction method, or D&X. This procedure requires a woman to take medication several days in advance to dilate the cervix. Once the cervix has dilated, she returns to complete the procedure. When she returns, the physician turns the fetus around in the uterus so that it is positioned feet first, and then delivers the fetus until only the head remains inside the mother's body. At this point, the physician punctures the base if the skull and suctions out the contents of the fetus' head, causing the skull to collapse. The dead fetus is then removed from the woman's body (2). In each case the head (or more) is left inside the woman's body because in order for a birth to have occurred under common law the head of the f etus must leave the mother's body. Under the current interpretation of the United States Constitution, a person must be born in order to be protected by the government, so by leaving the head in the mother's body the procedure is considered to be legally viable (1). Proponents of a ban on partial birth abortions cite what they see as the extreme cruelty of the procedures as violating the constitutional rights of the fetus. They believe that birth should be defined as occurring as soon as any part of the fetus' torso above the navel is visible, or when any of the fetus' body has left the mother (1). Many argue that since the fetus in undoubtedly alive during the procedure, the issue of whether or not an actual birth has occurred should be of little consequence (3).
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
A Cup of Hot Tea Essay
A cup Of Hot tea Tea is a kind of drink. We get It from leaves. Now-a-days it Is popular drink in the world. where grows: Tea grows well in the hilly places where rain water can not stand at all. It grows in Bangladesh, India, China and Japan. In Bangladesh it grows well in the hilly areas Sylhet and Chittagong. How grown: Tree plants grow seeds. Seeds are shown in March; seedlings are planted In rows five feet apart. They are regularly prunced and allowed to grow only four or five feet high. How gathered: When tree lants are four years of age, leaves are plucked three or four times a year. The leaves are first dried in the sun and roested in fire. Thus the leaves are ready for use and sale. How prepared: At firest water Is boiled in a pot. Tea leaves are put Into boiling water. After three or four minutes it Is poured into cups through a sieve. The suger and milk is mixed with it. Thus it becomes a good drink. usefulness: Tea is a useful drink to us. Refreshes body and mind. Gives us energy to work. It also helps us o keep awake. Taking tea three times a day Is healthy for healt While gossiping with our friends and relatives we can not heardly think without a cup of hot tea. It brings a new mood of gossiping And In our country it is an important crop also. Demerites: Tea is not always good for healt. Too much of it is bad for health. It kills our hunger. The Importance of tea In our national economy Is very great. It Conjunslon: brings a good deal of foreign money every year. So we should take care of better production of tea.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Disney Movies Throughout American History - 1266 Words
Disney Movies Throughout American History Presented to Mr.Hyatt Presented by Seanita Caim Disney has been involved in the lives of millions of Americans since the early 1920s and even now, continues to touch the hearts of each new generation. What started as a simple and humble cartoon studio grew into a world-wide known enterprise. Disney brought comfort to the United States post WWII and has been a staple in households across America for children everywhere. It is not uncommon for people to reminiscence about their childhood when thinking about Disney shows or movies. So, how did a little cartoon studio get so well known? The era of when the studio was created may be one of the advantages that led Disney from an uncleââ¬â¢sâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦(The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century, pg.535) America was in an uproar during this time, screaming words of isolationism and in the midst of this Disney films offered citizens an escape from reality for a short amount of time. With all of the chaos overseas; the studio suffered from the loss of foreign m arket, but it was thanks to the huge success of Snow White that kept Disney out of debt. Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs set the stage for Walt Disneyââ¬â¢s studio rise to fame. Once more, after the studioââ¬â¢s first success they set to work on the next feature film and in 1940, Pinocchio and Fantasia were released. Tensions in America were high because just a year prior; France, Germany, and Great Britain had declared war on each other. President Roosevelt was under great pressure to remain out of the conflict; on the other hand during this time the two movies just released grossed up to $84 million and $83 million respectively. It was clear during this time that Americans wanted a break from the crushing atmosphere, so going to watch a movie allowed them some peace of mind. One year later with a careful eye out to, ââ¬Å"Look Out for Mister Stork,â⬠everyoneââ¬â¢s favorite circus elephant, Dumbo, became known to the public. This movie was released late in the year of 1941, but only two months before disaster struck. That same year in the month of Dece mber, Japan launched an attack on Pearl Harbor. The United
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